Thursday, May 14, 2015

Pyramids of Teotihuacán

Amazing archeological sites of Teotihuacán! We hopped on a bus about an hour and a half out of Mexico City to see these ruins and pyramids! (Our guide told us that technically they're not pyramids because the tops are flat and not pointed... but we don't need to go there.)

Guess who we ran into at the top of the tallest pyramid??... THE MISSIONARIES! 
Mormons always find each other! It's crazy to think that I was one of them just 8 months ago!

Climbing, climbing...

Don't tell my roommate that I got this souvenier for her birthday! (She loves elephants!) I talked the vendor down a bit and he gave me a pretty good deal for the unique stones it is made of.

Our tour included a demo on how the plants and minerals in this area can be used to create tools like paper, string and beautiful jewelry and artwork!

 This cute little puppy was hanging around the shop too!

 There were some unique foods on the lunch menu!! (Worms, grasshoppers...)

"Coke Light"

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